Matt 'Max" Van

Matt 'Max" Van
It's really the best, most versatile guitar I have. I have done Country gigs with it, I've done rock gigs, I even did some "metal" lead playing with it. Alternate tuning? No Problem. Quiet Jazz comping? No Problem. Blasting 120 db of my "genius" on an unsuspecting audience? Well, no problem with the guitar... I'm pretty meticulous with my approach- I check set up, intonation, and cleanliness before and after every time I play. Apart from needing fingerboard oil every 3 months ( this is Arizona- the Arid Zone) and a change of strings every 6 weeks or so- no maintenance has been needed. I can't say that for my Fenders, Gretsches, nor Epiphones. Every other guitar will need a tweak or two every other week. So, even for heavy use- easily the best, most reliable guitar I own.

I don't need any more guitars- but if I ever do, Puresalem is top of the list of where I will look. As for wanting another guitar? Well, apart from some models from Puresalem, the only thing I can think of is a custom build ( I have this idea of a chambered walnut body with a maple cap, SG style, with a P90 at the neck, humbucker at the bridge, with a 5 piece through neck, and maple fingerboard, in case you are interested)

So, my experience with the guitar, Puresalem as a company, and Rick as a person? All have been top notch! -

Matt 'Max" Van